#Guideline for condition assessment of the building envelope plus
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Structural Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Buildings Standards Committee. ISBN Exterior walls Evaluation Standards. Includes bibliographical references and index. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Guideline for condition assessment of the building envelope / Structural Engineering Institute American Society of Civil Engineers. Methods and procedures are presented as a resource for reference purposes. It is not intended to be inclusive or prescriptive. This Standard Guideline for Condition Assessment of the Building Envelope has been prepared for use by qualified design professionals and regulatory officials. However, a rational approach to condition assessment of the building envelope has often been lacking. Considerable information has been generated for various materials, components, and systems by manufacturers, organizations, and practitioners. Evaluation of the building envelope is often the first step toward stabilization and rehabilitation of the building. The condition of the building envelope is of concern since failures can result in safety and health problems, as well as structural damage. 3 ABSTRACT The need to accurately assess the condition of a building has become more important as the adaptive reuse, rehabilitation, and improvement of existing buildings have assumed a more prominent role in meeting national needs.