4 : of or relating to an auricle auricular tachycardia.
3 : of, relating to, or using the ear or the sense of hearing auricular therapy. 2 : understood or recognized by the sense of hearing. Whatever line you think I ought to take in politics and in treating my opponents, be sure I shall take, and shall be "gentler than any ear-lap." - 1899-1912, Evelyn S. 1 : told privately an auricular confession. Tu, quemadmodum me censes oportere esse et in re publica et in nostris inimicitiis, ita et esse et fore auricula infima scito molliorem.
54 BCE June 3, Marcus Tullius Cicero, in a letter to his brother Quintus: Preauricular pits are a congenital malformation in which a sinus tract runs under the skin in front of the ear and above the ear canal but should not be. Luckily, the names of these 4 smaller areas make a lot of visual sense. The helix is divided further into 4 smaller areas: the helix root, the superior helix, the auricular tubercle and the helix tail. ( Classical ) IPA (key) : /au̯ˈri.ku.la/, Īuricula f ( genitive auriculae ) first declension The Helix (highlighted in yellow above) is comprised of the curved, outer ridge of the ear.